Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Getting Ready

   My plan is to cruise my new boat, “Whatever It Takes” from Hilton Head (my current dock) down to West Palm Beach. Connie will meet me in West Palm on January 19th, we plan to cruise to the Bahamas on (or about) the 20th.

   After loading my Lincoln with  a myriad of provisions,  Jeff Smith (longtime friend and fellow boater) and I left cold, wet Ohio, yesterday afternoon bound for Hilton Head. We got 1/2 way last night and arrived at the boat around 2:00 pm. We moved everything from the car to the boat then headed to Krogers for a weeks worth of provisions. By 5:00 we had provisions on board but everything was piled in the middle of the salon.

  We left for dinner and a break then returned to find a home for everything we put on board.

  Plan on getting a good nights sleep and departing for Florida first thing tomorrow. Jeff and I are excited, Cooper seems a little concerned.