Just south of Daytona we passed a pod of Bottle Nosed Dolphins. We have seen many Dolphins on this trip, but this group was different, they wanted to play. We had 4 or 5 of them gliding alongside the boat for quite a while. They would roll on their sides and look at us and leap nearly out of the water. Jeff took a video which I clipped shorter so it would download onto this blog.
We were on the water for nine hours today. Seven of those hours were great, the last two hours, not so great. The weather started getting bad around 2:00, rain, wind, threatening thunderstorms, and we had 20 miles to go to our marina. We were fortunate, the thunderstorms skirted around us, but we still got soaked docking at Westland Marina near Cape Canaveral.
140 miles to West Palm Beach (two days travel)
Dinner tonight was beef tips in gravy with sweet corn and mashed potatoes.