Our plan was to depart Hilton Head at 7:00 sharp, we got on the water around 9:00. Oh well; great weather, light winds, calm water.
We decided to take the inside route (ICW) as the ocean wave forecast was 4-to-6-foot swells. The Georgia ICW is basically 150 miles of uninhabited swamp. There is one marina located on St Simons Island, unfortunately St Simons is 120 miles from Hilton Head.......we traveled 65 miles today. That explains why we are anchored in Cattle Pen Creek somewhere in the deep south-Georgia swamps.
Anchoring out wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have Cooper along (no bathroom walks) and if we had fresh water in our holding tank (oops). I filled the water holding tank when I was on Hilton Head over Christmas, so I didn't check it before we left. Either I have a leak in the system or the water tank I filled was for the raw water pump (outside wash down). Jeff found a second water fill inlet on the bow of the boat that I didn't know existed, I assume that is the fill port for inside water usage (IE showers, toilets, dishwater). Fortunately, we have an abundance of bottled water on board. Tonight's dinner was pan-fried boneless pork chops, sweet corn, and mashed potatoes.
We plan to depart Cattle Pen Creek first light tomorrow which should put us at St Simons by lunch, there we will fill-up our water tank and take Cooper for a long, much needed walk.