Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Asleep at the wheel.

   My dog Cooper is an 8-month-old Field Spaniel. Cooper goes to the office with me every day, his routine is to race about greeting everyone in the shop, snoop in the trash for hidden treasure, then curl up under my desk for a 6-hour nap. 

  Coopers' routine on board is being awakened early, taken for a quick walk, climbing up to the fly deck with Jeff and I, and spending the next 8 hours watching sea gulls and trying to keep his balance. Today Coop was just worn out after 5 days on the water. Most of the voyage today consisted of long straight travel so I was able to use the autopilot to steer the boat and didn't need to man the wheel. Cooper finally got his nap, "Asleep at the wheel".


  We had dense fog this morning followed by heavy rain in the afternoon. The sky finally cleared just before we docked at the Vero Beach Marina. We are now only 70 miles from West Palm Beach where Jeff will leave to fly back to frozen Ohio on Thursday and I will meet Connie at the airport when she arrives on Friday.

  We had dinner out tonight at Riverside Cafe, just a short walk from our dock (more like a death march in a light rain).

Jeff could almost touch this dolphin when he took this picture.

Navigating under these conditions is really difficult!

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