Jeff, Cooper, and I, piloted the boat exclusively from the flybridge during this voyage. Anytime Jeff or I would leave the flybridge to go below deck for something, Cooper would whine and bark until the missing sailor returned. Cooper carried on the same way in the evenings if one of us left the boat, I wasn't sure what to expect when the three of us drove to the Orlando Airport this morning and Jeff left to fly home. Cooper was in the back seat for the two-hour ride. As Jeff left the car, he said goodbye to Cooper and told him to be a good boy. Jeff shut the door, Cooper jumped into the front seat, and never looked back. Jeff who?
Today was a laundry and cleaning day. I took 2 filled garbage bags to the marina laundry (bedding, towels, and such). I have utilized many marina laundries and never found one as nice as this. They have a waiting area with seats and a large screen TV. The washers and dryers are large, commercial units and accept credit cards, so you don't need rolls of quarters.
After driving all morning, doing the laundry, vacuuming the boat, cleaning the bathrooms and galley, it was Coopers turn to get cleaned up. I located a nearby PetsMart that had a U-wash your dog set up. The price included a full bottle of shampoo and all the towels you need. Now the boat and the dog will look good when Connie arrives tomorrow.
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